
The power of command-line tools really comes to shine when you are able to combine them. This is not a new idea: In fact, this is a sentence from the Unix philosophy:

Expect the output of every program to become the input to another, as yet unknown, program.

If our programs fulfill this expectation, our users will be happy. To make sure this works well, we should provide not just pretty output for humans, but also a version tailored to what other programs need. Let’s see how we can do this.

Who’s reading this?

The first question to ask is: Is our output for a human in front of a colorful terminal, or for another program? To answer this, we can use a crate like is-terminal:

use is_terminal::IsTerminal as _;

if std::io::stdout().is_terminal() {
    println!("I'm a terminal");
} else {
    println!("I'm not");

Depending on who will read our output, we can then add extra information. Humans tend to like colors, for example, if you run ls in a random Rust project, you might see something like this:

$ ls
CONTRIBUTING.md      LICENSE-MIT          proptest-regressions
Cargo.lock           README.md            src
Cargo.toml           convey_derive        target

Because this style is made for humans, in most configurations it’ll even print some of the names (like src) in color to show that they are directories. If you instead pipe this to a file, or a program like cat, ls will adapt its output. Instead of using columns that fit my terminal window it will print every entry on its own line. It will also not emit any colors.

$ ls | cat

Easy output formats for machines

Historically, the only type of output command-line tools produced were strings. This is usually fine for people in front of terminals, who are able to read text and reason about its meaning. Other programs usually don’t have that ability, though: The only way for them to understand the output of a tool like ls is if the author of the program included a parser that happens to work for whatever ls outputs.

This often means that output was limited to what is easy to parse. Formats like TSV (tab-separated values), where each record is on its own line, and each line contains tab-separated content, are very popular. These simple formats based on lines of text allow tools like grep to be used on the output of tools like ls. | grep Cargo doesn’t care if your lines are from ls or file, it will just filter line by line.

The downside of this is that you can’t use an easy grep invocation to filter all the directories that ls gave you. For that, each directory item would need to carry additional data.

JSON output for machines

Tab-separated values is a simple way to output structured data but it requires the other program to know which fields to expect (and in which order) and it’s difficult to output messages of different types. For example, let’s say our program wanted to message the consumer that it is currently waiting for a download, and afterwards output a message describing the data it got. Those are very different kinds of messages and trying to unify them in a TSV output would require us to invent a way to differentiate them. Same when we wanted to print a message that contains two lists of items of varying lengths.

Still, it’s a good idea to choose a format that is easily parsable in most programming languages/environments. Thus, over the last years a lot of applications gained the ability to output their data in JSON. It’s simple enough that parsers exist in practically every language yet powerful enough to be useful in a lot of cases. While its a text format that can be read by humans, a lot of people have also worked on implementations that are very fast at parsing JSON data and serializing data to JSON.

In the description above, we’ve talked about “messages” being written by our program. This is a good way of thinking about the output: Your program doesn’t necessarily only output one blob of data but may in fact emit a lot of different information while it is running. One easy way to support this approach when outputting JSON is to write one JSON document per message and to put each JSON document on new line (sometimes called Line-delimited JSON). This can make implementations as simple as using a regular println!.

Here’s a simple example, using the json! macro from serde_json to quickly write valid JSON in your Rust source code:

use clap::Parser;
use serde_json::json;

/// Search for a pattern in a file and display the lines that contain it.
struct Cli {
    /// Output JSON instead of human readable messages
    #[arg(long = "json")]
    json: bool,

fn main() {
    let args = Cli::parse();
    if args.json {
                "type": "message",
                "content": "Hello world",
    } else {
        println!("Hello world");

And here is the output:

$ cargo run -q
Hello world
$ cargo run -q -- --json
{"content":"Hello world","type":"message"}

(Running cargo with -q suppresses its usual output. The arguments after -- are passed to our program.)

Practical example: ripgrep

ripgrep is a replacement for grep or ag, written in Rust. By default it will produce output like this:

$ rg default
37:    Output::default()

6:    Span::default()

But given --json it will print:

$ rg default --json
{"type":"match","data":{"path":{"text":"src/lib.rs"},"lines":{"text":"    Output::default()\n"},"line_number":37,"absolute_offset":761,"submatches":[{"match":{"text":"default"},"start":12,"end":19}]}}
{"type":"match","data":{"path":{"text":"src/components/span.rs"},"lines":{"text":"    Span::default()\n"},"line_number":6,"absolute_offset":117,"submatches":[{"match":{"text":"default"},"start":10,"end":17}]}}

As you can see, each JSON document is an object (map) containing a type field. This would allow us to write a simple frontend for rg that reads these documents as they come in and show the matches (as well the files they are in) even while ripgrep is still searching.

How to deal with input piped into us

Let’s say we have a program that reads the number of words in a file:

use clap::Parser;
use std::path::PathBuf;

/// Count the number of lines in a file
#[command(arg_required_else_help = true)]
struct Cli {
    /// The path to the file to read
    file: PathBuf,

fn main() {
    let args = Cli::parse();
    let mut word_count = 0;
    let file = args.file;

    for line in std::fs::read_to_string(&file).unwrap().lines() {
        word_count += line.split(' ').count();

    println!("Words in {}: {}", file.to_str().unwrap(), word_count)

It takes the path to a file, reads it line by line, and counts the number of words separated by a space.

When you run it, it outputs the total words in the file:

$ cargo run README.md
Words in README.md: 47

But what if we wanted to count the number of words piped into the program? Rust programs can read data passed in via stdin with the Stdin struct which you can obtain via the stdin function from the standard library. Similar to reading the lines of a file, it can read the lines from stdin.

Here’s a program that counts the words of what’s piped in via stdin

use clap::{CommandFactory, Parser};
use is_terminal::IsTerminal as _;
use std::{
    io::{stdin, BufRead, BufReader},

/// Count the number of lines in a file or stdin
#[command(arg_required_else_help = true)]
struct Cli {
    /// The path to the file to read, use - to read from stdin (must not be a tty)
    file: PathBuf,

fn main() {
    let args = Cli::parse();

    let word_count;
    let mut file = args.file;

    if file == PathBuf::from("-") {
        if stdin().is_terminal() {

        file = PathBuf::from("<stdin>");
        word_count = words_in_buf_reader(BufReader::new(stdin().lock()));
    } else {
        word_count = words_in_buf_reader(BufReader::new(File::open(&file).unwrap()));

    println!("Words from {}: {}", file.to_string_lossy(), word_count)

fn words_in_buf_reader<R: BufRead>(buf_reader: R) -> usize {
    let mut count = 0;
    for line in buf_reader.lines() {
        count += line.unwrap().split(' ').count()

If you run that program with text piped in, with - representing the intent to read from stdin, it’ll output the word count:

$ echo "hi there friend" | cargo run -- -
Words from stdin: 3

It requires that stdin is not interactive because we’re expecting input that’s piped through to the program, not text that’s typed in at runtime. If stdin is a tty, it outputs the help docs so that it’s clear why it doesn’t work.